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Creating Your First Television Commercial

Creating your first video commercial may seem like a massive undertaking, but it doesn’t have to be a complex as you might imagine. Television commercial creation can be straightforward, but you’ll need to plan carefully as the execution is only as good as the planning allows it to be.

Television Commercial Creation

Every time you turn on the TV, you’re likely to see a barrage of commercials.  Some stand out, and some don’t – but is that down to the production values, or just the fact that the commercial resonates with you?

The production is a large part of any commercial – will it feature actors and locations, will it be computer-generated, will it be static or have multiple scenes? The decisions can be determined by looking at what your competitors are doing. It’s often wise to fit in with the style that others use as the market will expect that, but there are also benefits to doing something completely different – it can make your commercial memorable, but it needs to be remembered for the right reasons.

Another aspect to consider is the demographics of your target market. Younger target markets may not understand references that older markets will love – but older markets may not know why an iPhone (for example) does things in a certain way. Tailoring your commercial for your market expectations and your audience will generate the greatest amount of interest.

Choosing an Ad Agency When Creating Your First Video Commercial

A modern ad agency will be able to help you target your commercial correctly. What work 2, 5, or 10 years ago won’t work now – people have become used to the formulaic commercials and you really need to differentiate yourself.

An ad agency will be able to work with the demographics of your intended audience and help you to deliver the impact you need. This even comes into play with channel considerations. You need your commercial to be shown to be people who might be interested, and so if your product relates to beard care, you’re unlikely to be a hit on a channel with programming mainly intended for women.

Online Television Commercial Creation

A further way to boost the visibility of your commercial is to distribute it online. Platforms such as YouTube and Facebook allow the display of video advertising, and you can always post your advert to your own page or YouTube channel as well.

Creating an online campaign will require similar considerations (demographics, ideal customer, markets) as above, with different platforms offering different engagement opportunities.