Advertising Advice

Choosing an Advertising Agency

Choosing an ad agency can be approached in many ways, and one of the deciding factors for many people is to look at the age and experience the agency possesses. Unfortunately, what worked twenty years ago doesn’t necessarily work now – a lot has happened in the last two decades. Imagine advertising now without mobile devices, social media, or even high-speed internet!

A modern ad agency will still be aware of and be able to incorporate tried-and-tested advertising techniques, but there’s much more to it than numbers of years in business.

Depth of Service

While an ad agency can specialize in one particular area, people are now becoming used to mixing real-world and digital experiences, so it’s wise to choose an ad agency that can provide both. In fact, there are multiple aspects to each.

The real-world advertising can incorporate billboards, vehicle wraps, and bus stop ads. These are common and well-known methods of advertising, but what about advertising with clothes or apparel? Or even using street teams to spread a message?

When this is combined with social media management and PPC advertising, and possibly SMS text marketing, it becomes a killer combination.

Television, radio, and print advertising are a junction point, almost bridging real-world and digital-world advertising. Using geofencing to provide adverts in real-time when potential customer are in a certain area fully bridges the gap.

Choosing an ad agency that can provide all these services will give you the edge over your competition as all bases are covered, no matter who your ideal customer may be.

Location Matters

Choosing an advertising agency based on knowledge and skills is great, but another important factor to consider is the geographical location of the agency. If they are in a different country, you might find there is some culture clash – Australian humor is very different to Swiss humor, while Latin American values don’t always match with North American values.

In fact, humor, knowledge, and values can even vary from town to town, so choosing an advertising agency with local knowledge will help you to match the true feeling for your chosen area.

Cost-Effective Solutions

One further point to consider when choosing an ad agency is the cost. Ideally, the revenue you generate in relation to any advertising campaign should exceed the amount you spend on the campaign. With certain business models and advertising methodologies, this can be difficult to measure exactly, and so the best option is to choose a value-for-money advertising agency.

When your advertising agency can provide multiple advertising options through all forms of media, is based locally, and is cost-effective in their efforts, you know you’ve found the agency that can help take your business higher than it has been before.