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Ways to Advertise on Facebook

Advertising on Facebook is a great idea to get results, and you are no doubt familiar with the adverts that appear as you scroll through your news feed. Facebook Ad Manager recommends pages or events that you might like to click on or visit… but there are more ways to advertise on Facebook than you may think.

Facebook Ad Manager

This is the part that you may be most familiar with, as it works in a similar way to many other PPC (pay-per-click) advertising platforms that are available across the internet. Facebook advertising in this manner includes a wealth of options as the demographics can be driven down a very long way.

Within Facebook Ad Manager you can curate, Domain Ads, Multi-Product Ads (Carousel Ads), Offer Ads, Video Ads, Lead Ads, Canvas, Sponsored Mentions and Dynamic Ads. So working with your advertising partner is important as ever because the type of ad you serve may work better for your target market. No way to know unless you run several tests.


Facebook Audience Network

One of the less considered ways to advertise on Facebook is leveraging the Facebook audience network. This allows you to reach more people than just those browsing their news feed. Incorporating both PPC and display advertising, FAN adverts can appear both on Facebook itself and on external websites.

Because of the high number of options, this can be one of the trickier areas of advertising to configure effectively. Facebook advertising management is a required skill to get in front of the right people with your advertising.

Business Page Posting

Once you have a business page set up, you may be expecting people to simply “like” it and you’ll have hundreds of new customers waiting for you. The truth is that you need to work at it – part of Facebook advertising management is knowing what, how, and when to post content. In addition to advertising posts – “If you need this service, contact us now!” – you’ll need to produce audience engagement posts too.

These might ask simple questions, look for opinions, or any number of other ways of enticing participation. The more a visitor participates, the more they are likely to trust your brand and use your services when the time comes.

Local Groups Posting

One of the free ways to advertise on Facebook, local groups posting is simply posting messages in Facebook groups that have been set up for local areas. Is there a group for your town? Post in it advertising what you do – it’s that simple. Of course, getting users interested and interacting is the key to success!

Instagram advertising

Facebook advertising management now includes the need to consider Instagram. Instagram is part of the Facebook family of companies. You can create a profile and build your reputation to become an influencer in your market or contact existing influencers and try to find a way to work together.

Instagram also falls under the Facebook Ads Manager PPC advertising strategy, as PPC ads can now be shown across multiple platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. Knowledge and skill in Facebook advertising management is becoming critical for building a successful business, no matter where your business is located.

Facebook Messenger

Messenger ads work just like all the other ads across other Facebook platforms. They automatically deliver ads to the place that’s most likely to drive campaign results at the lowest possible cost.  You can use the same ads for Messenger that you’re already using for Facebook and Instagram.

People see these ads in the Chats tab in their Messenger app. When they tap on an ad, they’ll be sent to your advertisement within Messenger with a call-to-action that will take them to your site, mobile app or other place of your choosing. You can even have the system message you to engage in a real time conversation.

Remember, part of the attraction of Facebook is for users to be able to indicate what they like – when you know what they like, you can target and sell to them effectively.  Managing all of these Facebook advertising strategies can be a tough job. Choosing an organization to take care of it all in one place can be a game changer for the small to medium business.